MusicBox V1.3 Copyright 1989 by Peter L. Dunlap Distributed courtesy of CMOS BBS (303)322-4078 Permission is granted for non-commercial distribution, provided all files remain intact. A simple music player program. This program uses files SONG0 - SONG9 for stereo audio output. To terminate operation, use the CLOSE gadget. The lower left portion of the window is a MODE gadget. Use this gadget to switch between SEQUENCE, RANDOM, and REPEAT modes. The lower right portion of the window is a SELECTION gadget. Use this gadget to select the next song (or replay current song in repeat mode). While the window is active, the function keys F1 - F10 can be used to select songs SONG0 - SONG9 (F1 key selects SONG0, F10 key select SONG9). Be sure to use both audio outputs, as the music is in stereo! Song0 - Song9 These are music files produced using a pre-release version of "SoundFX" by Christian Haller and Christian A. Weber of LINEL (Switzerland). The format of these files has been altered for use with my toys and is not compatible with any other software (including "SoundFX"). Your fellow Amigan, Peter L. Dunlap